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Read What The Players Are Saying

  • Zuska P. - Figure skater

  • Debra A. - Runner

  • Taylor M. - Baseball

  • Dean T. - Tennis 

And more…

Read What The Players Are Texting

  • Tennis

  • Baseball

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Read What The Parents of Players Are Saying

  • Theresa M. - Tennis

  • Allen S. - Tennis

  • Peter T. - All sports

  • Curtis M. - Wrestling

And more...


Read What The Coaches Are Saying

  • Ed Krass, Tennis

  • Lee Hurst - Tennis

  • Brian Erikson - Basketball

  • Tom Grant - Golf

And more...

What The Players Are Saying


"Rob was fantastic to work with. In a very short amount time he was able to identify the right exercises to help me get over fears of performing scratch spins. I was mentally stuck in my fear for months but I was able to do my first scratch spin within a few weeks after consulting Rob. I still use my exercises today when I start working on a new figure skating element." 

- Zuzka P., figure skater


"Rob and I worked together prior to my running my first marathon. Because I had never run beyond 20 miles I was pretty nervous of the uncertainty that lay ahead. Through a combination of unguided imagery and a technique called “natural flow,” Rob helped me release the anxiousness that I was holding in my body. By race time I was relaxed and ready to go. Sure enough, I had a great race, didn’t worry about a thing, never hit the wall and even qualified for the Boston Marathon!" - Debra A., Runner


"The only thing that ever held me back throughout my baseball career was my inability to overcome certain mental blocks that most athletes face. It had gotten so bad that I couldn’t even play catch without having a million things run through my head. If it wasn’t for Rob Polishook and Inside the Zone, my career would probably be over. Since I started working with Rob, my performance as well as my confidence has sky-rocketed. Thanks to his efforts I can now enjoy playing the game that I have always loved." - Taylor M., College Baseball


"Working with Rob has helped me trust myself, play within myself, manage my nerves, reduce my expectations, and focus on the process of real competition. Since I began working with Rob, I now am able to relax on court because I have accepted who I am as a tennis player. Rob is always there for me whether it is to encourage, motivate, pump up, relax, talk, or simply listen before big matches...he usually has the ideal quote to put you inside the ZONE." 

- Dean T., Tennis


"Rob is a solution-focused performance coach who inspires you to perform at your highest potential even if you can't see it for yourself! Rob motivated me to think about what it would take to prepare, participate and compete in a bike race in memory of a dear friend of mine. Working with Rob has been eye-opening; he encourages you to confront and accept your fears and then continue to move forward towards your goals. I am pleased to say that I am well on my way to the starting line. Thank you Rob, you are a superstar!" - Michelle A., Cyclist


"Through my work with Rob I have become such a better tennis player. My game itself has improved, but that is merely the result of other changes that I have undergone. Working with Rob has made me more confident. It has allowed me to enjoy playing tennis more than I ever have in my life. And one of the most refreshing things is that he made that clear for me. He helped me understand that what I learned in the realm of tennis- accepting myself as a player, accepting my nervousness during a match, enjoying the game- can be used outside the court."

- Graham S., tennis


"Thank you for helping me “free my hands” while hitting the ground strokes. It was really a great help. It’s hard to express in words how happy and thankful I am for your guidance. There is no doubt that tennis is so mental and I am grateful for your help in helping me achieve my goals." - Divanshu S., tennis


"Rob and I worked together at the Bangalore Tennis Center. Before he came I was serving well, however, I had been working to get a bit extra on my serve.  It was almost like magic, he asked me to notice the lift feeling I was getting in my legs on my old serve. I soon realized that my legs where not generating the power they where capable of. He then asked me to serve with my eyes closed, explode off the ground, and notice the feeling in my legs. It was almost if I was flying! Rob then advised me to be aware of where I felt this new serve in my body. Immediately I felt it in my thighs, the explosion was so powerful. With this newfound awareness, I integrated the big lift and immediately picked up at least another 10-15 mph on my serve. Now when I step to the line, I just remember the feeling and go out and hit big serves. I am truly grateful for the  work we did together." - Aditya M., tennis

What The Players Are Texting

What The Players Are Texting


"Hi Rob- I won my match 6-2, 6-3 today, although I made a lot of unforced errors, I felt like I was hitting well. My mental game was great! I got mad at myself a few times, but brought myself back quickly. I was very aware and relaxed. I am playing tomorrow at 2. I hope to talk to you soon!"

"Alls good Rob, I miss u man, how is everything, I’ve change mentally a lot, u would be very proud."

"Hey Rob, I won 0 and 0, I played very focused."

"Thanks Rob, I will remember that I can control how I compete. The que card really helped."

"You truly made my day, its funny how little things in life can mean so much. Thanks again. Played like butter.

"Hey Rob, I won today! 7-5, 6-4. I used the tools you have given me, and they are helping me play to my potential on every given day. Thanks 4 all your help and support."

"Hey Rob, thanks, most of all today, I am going to go out and play proud and show myself that I can come back after a loss and still find a way to win."

"Hey Rob, I’m playing a kid I’ve never played before and I tend to get nervous against kids I’ve never played. What should I do?"

"Hey Thanks! Imperfectly perfect…hell yea! U helped me so much thru the entire process and I wanna thank u 4 your time. I’m looking forward to continuing."

"Hey Rob, I lost my match but played proud."

"Thanks and thanks 4 all your support!"


"This past game I was hit by a pitch in the head, it felt great, next at bat I got a double!"


"Hey Rob, I played sweet today, it was nice to re-enter the zone. Thanks 4 ur time and help!"


"I choose the champions route, I am proud of myself for my decision, our talk really helped. It helped me realize it’s my decision and I’m doing it for myself."

"Well, I lost to the #5 seed, but I fought hard."

"Yea, it was nice to re-enter the zone. Thanks 4 ur time and help today. "

"Yea, I need to smooth it out and flow with trust. I started practice not doing well, but I accepted where I was, stayed patient, and the next thing I know I was playing great. You’re right, trust the process, it worked!!"

What The Parents Are Saying

What The Parents Are Saying


“Since my daughter has been working with Rob, her on-court behavior has improved immensely. Rob has helped her to regain focus, reframe her negative thoughts, and channel her energy into the point. While she may not be winning every match, she is certainly more competitive and winning more. But most importantly, she is on her way towards achieving her goals. He has helped her find a way to accept and learn from losses and enjoy the process.” - Theresa M.


"Since working with Rob her competitive results have changed in a positive way. She accepts that she is control of the things that she can control, and is better at embracing those that she cannot. Her match play is more relaxed and for the most part she enjoys competing. Most important, she realizes that while results are important, her focus needs to be on the process by staying in the moment. From there, the results she desires will come." - Allen S.


"Rob is a truly special person to our three daughters, Katie, Allie and Laura. He has trained them for the last four years and helped them in countless ways both on and off the tennis court. He has improved all their tennis games immeasurably, but more so, he has combined this with his own inner game of tennis which is geared to living a successful life. Coach is a true mentor who genuinely cares for his pupils, inspires them to risk, find themselves and take the road to self awareness and growth, Coach’s unique "Inside the Zone mental training program truly prepares his students for both tennis and life. As long as I have known Coach it has always been about discovery and overcoming the fears and obstacles that we encounter in our daily lives. He totally believes that each person in their own has the inner power to be successful and to achieve great things." - Peter T.

"Thank you for all you did for us. I didn’t find out about you until one week before state qualifier and yet you still found time to help my son with his anxiety and fear. Although things didn't work out for him i believe hes in a far better place now than if he had never spent time with you. I only wish we could have found you earlier in the season Thanks for teaching us how important the mental aspect of sports can be and how to deal with it. Im sure we will be talking to you in the future." - Curtis T.


"Our son is a junior tennis player and he has been working with Rob on various aspects of his mental game. Since that time we have seen a tremendous improvement in his game. We have also seen a noticeable change in his attitude off the court too. Our son enjoys his sessions with Rob and feels very comfortable with Rob. He feels Rob is trustworthy and understanding. As parents, we are particularly appreciative for Rob's efforts to continuously keep us in the loop. Rob gives us constructive suggestions on how to best help Jonathan with his mental game on and off the court." - Stephen L.

"Rob's workshop for parents was very insightful. As a parent, it felt very comforting to know that ALL the other parents in the room had the same issues and experiences with their children that we have with ours. Discovering that other families also experience horrible rides home from tournaments was eye opening! Rob is extremely empathetic and was familiar with every issue the parents discussed in the workshop. He had calm, logical perspective to situations that come up, but did not mask that fact that all issues take work-they do not solve themselves overnight. Our son has achieved much success working with Rob." - Sue W.

"Working with Rob has raised Karolina's game to the next level. Rob is a patient listener and has the best intentions in helping his clients. Rob's positive outlook and tips have made the experience worthwhile." - Thank you, Mike W.

"Hi Rob! I could not wait to tell you about Peter's first sectional match yesterday! As you know, Peter turned 11 about two weeks ago. His opponent will turn 13 in August (a little intimidating...) Although Peter lost, he played the best match I've ever seen him play! The score, after two and a half hours, was 7-6, 7-5. Peter fought hard to the end! But more important, he was composed and calm throughout the entire match. He played like he enjoyed every point. When he served, he took his time. When he lost a point, he moved on like nothing happened. He chased down every ball he could, and played with a passion that I haven't seen in him before. Although he lost, and the score was very close (most points went to deuce), at the end, there were no tears, but rather a great feeling for how well he played. He shook his opponent's hand, and feeling exhausted, walked off the court. Many of the spectators came up to him and me and congratulated him on a great match, and commented on his sportsmanship. He's playing like an entirely different boy! So calm.... We can't wait to see you and tell you all about it in person. But for now, thanks! Without you, Peter would not have been able to handle himself as well as he did yesterday! You would be so proud. I am!!! Thanks again for everything!" - Enjoy Gretchen


"Rob is the consummate professional. I have seen first hand his desire, knowledge and work ethic. Moreover, the most important factor is the fact that Rob’s work definitely creates results. I have seen a measurable improvement regarding the work he has done with my daughter."

- Bob D., 2007

"Rob, you are the epitome of what constitutes a good coach. That is sensitivity and insight. He sees what is unique in the player and understands how to build on the strengths and shore up the weaknesses. Rob knew what my daughter needed, and most importantly how to work together with respect and trust. It all came together, as she won the 2006 NJ State Singles Tennis Championship. Rob is more than a coach, but a friend and veritable family member."

- Al M.

"Thank you working with my daughter. She really appreciated your energy! She said she became much more aware of what she was trying to do with the ball now. You are integral to the athlete! Thank you again for all the help!" - Laura F.

What The Coaches Are Saying

What The Coaches Are Saying


"Rob is one of our nation's top mental training coaches today! His seminar at the ITA Coaches Convention was entertaining, educational, and spot on regarding the challenges college coaches face. Rob's numerous articles on the mental side of competitive tennis reveal a wealth of knowledge and insight into the mind of players at all levels of the game. Tennis parents, players, and coaches could and should use a large dosage of Rob's ideas and perspective to navigate through the rough and tumble world of competitive tennis. Rob has successfully mentored a parent I know with his nationally ranked junior and many other top junior players." - Ed Krass, Founder/Director College Tennis Exposure Camp & One-On-One Doubles Tennis Events

"Rob is doing cutting edge work in the field of sport and performance psychology. He is enthusiastic and passionate about his work. His creative workshops are both educational and entertaining and will leave competitors with proven skills in which to apply in tennis and LIFE. He has spoken at the USPTA World Conference and internationally in India and Israel. His program is a must for anyone that wants to break through to the next level."

- Lee Hurst, Founder & Director, 360TENNIS, NJ

“Rob has worked with my girl’s basketball team over the last two years. During this time he has conducted numerous workshops targeted to the specific pulse the team was experiencing at the time. His ‘Feel, Trust and Shoot’ workshop is credited with helping the Summit Girl’s Varsity Basketball Team with improving its free-throw shooting from 32 percent to a season-ending 62 percent success rate. On numerous occasions he has provided me with a unique perspective in which to rebound and build on situations.” - B. Erikson, Summit Varsity Basketball Coach


"Rob’s talk was both enjoyable and useful. In the past 15 years I’ve coached mechanics, conditioning, positioning and relied on the native competitive drive of my players to bring out their best. Rob gave me some new things to introduce, like when a player loses to make sure he knows that he has done his job if he or she has prepared well and left it all on the court. I learned some steps to make sure my players are ready to do their best and winning or losing is just an outcome and not the only evaluator as some of my players have believed. I’ve seen some improvement, based on what Rob was saying, in performance as I get them away from wining at all costs to preparing, practicing and playing the match to the best of player’s ability."

- Robert L. McNutt, Summit and Governor Livingston High School Coach

"Thank you for sharing your time and knowledge with the at the NJSIAA’s annual High School Golf Coaches Conference. I have read books by many of the "popular" sports psychologists and can say your ideas present a different viewpoint from anything I have read to date. The concept of performing "in the present" while letting go of thoughts about the past or future is intriguing. And rather than struggling to block out past failures, and then compounding the worrying with the worry about the possibility of them resurfacing at a critical moment vs. recognizing these as symptoms and facing the causes head on and releasing them makes more sense to me. Your presentation was full of enthusiasm! It was evident that this enthusiasm came from a genuine interest in sharing ideas which you felt could help the coaches and our players."

- Tom Grant, Nutley High School Golf Coach

"Rob presented a workshop entitled "Break Point or Break Down -Concentrate to Win," at the Ramat Hasharon Israeli Tennis Center (ITC) in August 2007, for our staff of 30 sport psychologists and head tennis coach during our annual Israeli Tennis Center meeting. Rob's model, as well as his delivery, were both dynamic and interesting. His energy level and his passion came across to all of us who participated. Most importantly, he left us with tools that we can use when we work with our athletes on a day to day basis. We are looking forward to hosting him again in the near future." - Dr. Ellen Katz, Director, Center for Sport Psychology, Israel Tennis Center, Ramat Hasharon, Israel

"It was a pleasure having Rob at the High Performance Tennis Center (HPTC) being run at the Karnataka State Lawn Tennis Association (KSLTA) Tennis complex. I appreciate his commitment towards the sport to help out the players of HPTC. His interaction & the approach towards the mental side of the game was indeed a big eye opener for all of us at HPTC. Rob's presentation on the Psychological side of Tennis was extremely creative and informative. His enthusiasm and sincere interest in the kids at our Karnataka High Performance Tennis Center was what made for such a great afternoon." - Sunil Yajaman, WTA Bangalore Open, Director - HPTC, KSLTA Tennis Stadium, Bangalore, India

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