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Individual One-on-One Consultation

Are you looking for the personalized mental edge? Rob can help you:

  • Play with more confidence

  • Accept adversity, bounce back from setbacks, and overcome obstacles

  • Focus on what you can control, and let the rest go

  • Break though self-imposed barriers and performance block.

Athletes know mental toughness is a key component to success, however, many don’t know how to use their mental abilities to compete at their highest level. Rob’s approach focuses on the athlete as a person first and an athlete second. His energetic and patient style allows him to connect with the person behind the athlete and help them break through self-imposed barriers. He is able to reach and uncover the root of issues that can block performance, including fear, poor concentration, nervousness, concern over injury, and competition anxiety.


Rob helps his clients explore, become aware of, and work through performance issues in a non-threatening, non-judgmental and safe way. Such an approach facilitates and encourages the athlete to embrace self-choice, responsibility, and change—all keys to winning and high performance.


A thought leader in understanding and applying creative and personal mental toughness techniques with performers, Rob will help you blend your mental and physical abilities and perform at your highest potential. With Rob on your team, you will:

  • Learn to play a more relaxed and confident manner

  • Develop the ability to cope in high pressure situations

  • Improve your concentration and focus

  • Bring the fun back to competition

  • Break through self-imposed barriers


"Rob and I worked together prior to my running my first marathon. I was pretty nervous of the uncertainty that lay ahead. Through a combination of unguided imagery and a technique called ‘natural flow,’ Rob helped me release the anxiousness that I was holding in my body. By race day, I was relaxed and ready to go. Sure enough, I had a great race; didn’t worry about a thing and even qualified for the Boston Marathon. I highly recommend working with Rob!”
- Ann Goldberg, Runner


“Rob is a solutions-focused mental training coach who inspires you to perform at your highest potential even if you can’t see it for yourself! He motivated me to think about what it would take to prepare, participate and compete in a bike race in memory of a dear friend of mine. Working with Rob has been eye-opening; he encourages you to confront and accept your fears and then continue to move forward toward your goals. I am pleased to say that I am well on my way to the starting line!”

- Michelle Awuku, Cyclist


Player Workshops

The little things make a big difference! Rob can help you:

  • Learn the mental tools and skills that the pro’s use

  • Use mental techniques to stay calm under pressure

  • Learn how what to concentrate, and what to focus on in crucial situations

Group Sport Workshop for Mental Training


Rob designs creative and unique sport performance workshops and seminars for teams. These workshops, which have been presented at both the national and international level, are full of specialized techniques, demonstrations and exercises that Rob created to help athletes raise their level of play, as well as recognize and understand the physical and psychological tools necessary for peak performance. The varied workshops appeal to athletes and teams of all ages, sports and skill levels and serve to enhance an athlete’s ability to stay positive and centered, both on and off the court.


Athletes who attend these workshops will learn:

  • How to stay in the present moment and be calm under pressure

  • Play important games or matches as freely as they practice

  • Exercises to stay relaxed in pressure situations

  • Gain self confidence and increased self esteem

  • Learn from setbacks and use them as a springboard to success


“I have attended seven of Rob’s entertaining workshops. Each time, I learn more techniques and gain awareness and perspective on how to compete when the pressure starts heating up. I would recommend his workshops to anyone looking to for that competitive edge.” 

— Mary Samthan, Tennis

Team Workshops for creating Team Unity & Mental Toughness


Team unity and mental toughness have much in common; they are both intangible and hard to measure. They can both bring a payoff of having more fun and improved performance. Most importantly, when matches/games are close and the pressure is on, mental toughness and team unity become paramount to a winning effort.


When a team is united, the players will feel more supported and more apt to take risks. Subsequently, their level of mental toughness and adaptability will soar. By the same token, when a player is more mentally tough and adaptable, they will be open and accepting of risks, ideas, and trying new things that involve team synergy. When such an atmosphere permeates a team for an extended amount of time, teams become capable of great achievement. A great example the NY Giants defeating the New England Patriots in the 2007 Super Bowl. 


This interactive team workshop will highlight through demonstration, discussion and exercises how to build a mentally tough and adaptable team with a common goal and mission.


Teams that attend these combined workshops will: 

  • Learn how to use the intangible qualities of team and mental toughness to win

  • Recognize the importance of trust in and respect for their teammates

  • Realize that change on an individual and team basis starts with awareness

  • Understand what it takes to win and be a champion


"The Mental Training workshop you shared with my Seton Hall Girls Varsity Tennis team would be of benefit, to any team, level or sport. The team building activities were fantastic! And the discussions and demonstrations on awareness and concentration will be helpful to our team, especially during competition. I am pleased you had some time to spend with us on campus today." — Gregory Wyzykowski, Women’s tennis coach, Seton Hall University


"The workshops done with Rob were excellent. They were professional, unique and enjoyable, as well as one of the best learning experiences I’ve had as a coach. Our team has a much greater understanding of what team unity really is. Focusing on team bonding, leadership, and goal setting has truly given us a blueprint for success. I highly recommend these workshops to any team looking to take their game to the next level." — Jeff Brandes, Drew University Tennis


In-Season Dynamic Team Consultant


Most successful teams have a Mental Training Coach on staff. Now your team can too! Though an energetic approach that emphasizes “together everyone achieves more” and “building trust in yourselves, your team and your coaches,” Rob drives athletes and full teams—on and off the field—to work through peak performance issues during a dynamic season of successes and losses. His unique and positive perspective helps teams use failure as feedback and build on the team’s success. With Rob as your seasonal team consultant you’ll learn how to:

  • Use failure as a stepping stone to success

  • Maintain a high level of team unity and trust

  • Redefine winning into something that can be accomplished every game or match

  • Play Proud & Play Like a Champion

  • Go for the goal in the toughest situations

  • Maintain team consistency and focus throughout a long season


“Rob has worked with my girl’s basketball team over the last two years. During this time he has conducted numerous workshops targeted to the specific pulse the team was experiencing at the time. His ‘Feel, Trust and Shoot’ workshop is credited with helping the Summit Girls Varsity Basketball Team with improving its free-throw shooting from 32 percent to a season-ending 62 percent success rate. On numerous occasions he has provided me with a unique perspective in which to rebound and build on situations.” 

B. Erikson, Summit Varsity Basketball Coach

Players Circle Workshops


These group sessions are great for athletes who want to take mental toughness to another level. The small group sessions allow athletes to listen to and connect with other athletes with similar situations and experiences, as Rob provides direction and guidance. The candid conversations help high performers come to grips with what they are feeling and learn from other group members. These group phone or office consultations allow you to experiment with and customize the skills you’ve learned in the workshops, as well as experiment with new cutting-edge mental toughness techniques. In a group setting, you’ll focus on the process toward self improvement with others who face similar challenges. This service is a perfect supplement to the individual phone and office consultations. Take your game to another level and expect to:

  • Learn the latest, most effective, cutting-edge concentration techniques

  • Practice imagery, visualization and breathing technique

  • Learn what it means to play to your potential


"Rob is an exceptional coach whose natural listening and attending skills make him one of the most qualified performance coaches I know. His presence has the most calming effect on me; I always know I am in the company of someone who not only understands me, but wholly embraces me." — Illanit Marks, bicyclist


Parent Workshops

Want to help your child do their best? Rob can help you:

  • Apply the key characteristics of champion parents

  • Learn how to use failure and setbacks as stepping stones for success

  • Empower your child, enabling them to flourish

  • Help avoid the key pitfalls which prevent peak performance

This workshop is for parents who want their children to succeed on, as well as off, the court/field. Most parents who get over-involved in their child’s sports or who find themselves pushing too much do so for two reasons: they want their child to be able to achieve their goals, and they want their child to perform at their best. These are noble intentions! However, it’s important to understand that some behaviors may be disrupting the process of improvement and success. This is because the child has one eye on the ball and the other eye on the parent’s expectations. In short, they are no longer focusing on what’s important and what they are trying to accomplish in the moment.


If you want your child to excel in sports and come out with high self-esteem, they need you in their corner. This means a parent’s primary task is supporting their young athlete unconditionally whether they win or lose - not coaching them. The parent, athlete and coach each have a role to play; if everyone plays the role well the athlete will have more fun, play more, improve more, risk more and compete better. Not only that, but the athlete can use his/her positive experiences for other challenges they face in life’s journey. However, if the role isn’t played well, the child will experience stress, tightness, no longer enjoy the sport, and burn out. In this case, the added burden will result in an exhausted athlete and an angry child.


During this workshop, parents will learn:

  • Key characteristics of “champion” parents

  • How to use failure and adversity as a stepping stone for success

  • Things you can do to support the coach/player/parent triad

  • Common pitfalls of champion parenting and how to overcome them

  • How to create a win/win environment in which your child flourishes


"Our son is a junior tennis player and he has been working with Rob on various aspects of his mental game. Since that time we have seen a tremendous improvement in his game. We have also seen a noticeable change in his attitude off the court too. Our son enjoys his sessions with Rob and feels very comfortable with Rob. He feels Rob is trustworthy and understanding. As parents, we are particularly appreciative for Rob's efforts to continuously keep us in the loop. Rob gives us constructive suggestions on how to best help Jonathan with his mental game on and off the court."– Steven Lee


"Rob is a truly special person to our three daughters, Katie, Allie and Laura. He has trained them for the last four years and helped them in countless ways both on and off the tennis court. Coach has improved all their tennis games immeasurably but more so he has combined this with his own inner game of tennis which is geared to living a successful life. Coach is a true mentor who genuinely cares for his pupils, inspires them to risk, find themselves and take the road to self awareness and growth, Coach’s unique "inside the zone" teaching truly prepare his students for both tennis and life. As long as I have known Coach it has always been about discovery and overcoming the fears and obstacles that we encounter in our daily lives. He totally believes that each person in their own has the inner power to be successful and to achieve great things."– P. Tierney


Coaches Workshops

Want to get the most out of your players? Rob can help you:

  • Unleash the true potential of your players or team

  • Empower and motivate your players or team

  • Teach your players what it really means to compete to the fullest

  • Help your players overcome tension in big games or matches

  • Bring fun back into the process

How many coaches work with players that have great technique and strategy, but just don’t seem to understand how to use the mental game? How many of you have players that lose their concentration in match/game play? How many of you have players that get sidetracked by things they cannot control? How many of you have players that just can’t seem to bring it when it counts?

Rob’s Coaches Workshops are intended for coaches that are working with any age or level of athlete. During the presentations, he will highlight common mental traps that players fall into and help coaches become better able to identify and understand what their player is experiencing. This knowledge will help the coach empower their players to get back on track regarding mental challenges their students encounter in game/match play.


Coaching the Mental Edge workshops are designed to provide coaching insights into concentration, awareness and issues that block an athlete’s performance.


Coaches who attend these workshops will:

  • Gain a better idea of how the mental game integrates into tournament play

  • Feel comfortable explaining and work through mental toughness issues with their kids

  • Guide their student towards more focused concentration

  • Be better able to help their students excel in big games or matches

  • Help their players trust themselves and their game and play without tension


"Rob presented a workshop titled ‘Break Point or Break Down—Concentrate to Win,' at the Ramat hasharon Israeli Tennis Center (ITC) in August 2007 for our staff of 30 sport psychologists and head tennis coach during our annual Israeli Tennis Center meeting. Rob's model, as well as his delivery, was both dynamic and interesting. His energy level and passion came across to all who participated. Most importantly he left us with tools that we can use when we work with our athletes on a day-to-day basis. We are looking forward to hosting him again in the near future.” — Dr. Ellen Katz, Center for Sport Psychology Director, Israel Tennis Center, Ramat Hasharon, Israel


“I was impressed with your presentation at the NJSIAA Annual Coaches Conference. The active audience participation was indicative that the coaches were in tune with your message of Coaching the Mental Edge- Developing Players with Mental Toughness and Adaptability. Over the years, I have attended many conferences, and have heard from some of the top people in the field. Your presentation ranked right up there with folks like Allen Fox, Bryce Young and Jim Loehr. Congratulations on a job well done. Thanks for your insights."

 — Dick Walther, Summit Middle School Director


Seminars and Keynote Speeches

Start the season with energy, or motivate mid-season! Rob can:

  • Motivate and inspire your team

  • Understand what it means to commit to the process

  • Help your players use adversity as fuel to get better

  • Enter each contest with a focused, prepared mindset

Put the fun back into your sport with one of Rob’s engaging and powerful presentations. Whether you’re looking to kick off your season for all your teams, motivate your captains, recap a season for all your school’s sport teams, provide a motivational boost in the middle of the season, or celebrate a job well done - Rob’s enthusiasm will captivate your audience. You and your teams will leave the event feeling invigorated, motivated, and ready to tackle the next challenge.


Rob takes the time to understand your audience and will customize a presentation to meet your athletes’ specific needs. In the past, he’s addressed such topics as:

  • What it Takes to be a Champion

  • Five Mental Strategies to Succeed

  • Peak Performance Every Day

  • Secrets that Great Teams Know

  • Leadership Secrets Great Captains Know


“Rob was the keynote speaker for our 2006 Fall All-Sports Awards Dinner at Oratory Preparatory High School. He was very enthusiastic and engaging. His speech, ‘What It Takes to be a Champion,” was very interesting. Rob made it personal and relevant by interviewing our coaches about their fall season so he could use our own student-athletes as examples of champion attitude, preparation and performance. I would recommend Rob for any keynote-type event.” — William Martin, Oratory Prep Athletic Director


Inside the Zone Mental Training Certification

A comprehensive training that teaches all areas of the mental game:

  • Mental tools and techniques (i.e. goal setting, concentration, focus, etc.)

  • Unleash the player within from the inside out

  • Let go of tension and play without barriers

  • Compete to the utmost each and every minute

Welcome to the Inside the Zone mental training certification program for players of all ages. This program is targeted towards all athletes who seek the mental edge, often the difference between winning and losing.


The workshops are highly interactive and participatory. They will include demonstrations, exercises, worksheets, stories, quotes, and video clips. Additionally, players will be introduced to key mental edge principles and beliefs that all top players incorporate in their play. Not only are the sessions fun, but participants will learn:

  • Mental Skills that will give them the edge on and off the court

  • Mental strategies and techniques to stay calm under pressure

  • How to handle adversity and use it as an opportunity

  • How to concentrate and stay focused under pressure

  • How to use visualization and imagery like the pro’s

  • How to reframe negative self talk

  • How to use rituals to play inside the zone


This unique player certification program is a multi-tiered program which progressively builds upon each workshop and level. The program’s goal is to provide players with mental skills, tools, techniques and approaches which they can creatively apply in high- pressure match situations. Essentially, this is the comprehensive program guide to unleashing the peak performer within!

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