For Players

Talk Back to Your Negative Self Talk
6 steps to taming that devilish little voice
How many of us hear that little voice in our head which raise doubt, fear and questions about our ability to perform? The voice usually rears its head during the most pressure-packed times of competition. This article will outline 6 ways to tame that devilish little voice so you can manage doubts, play through them, and avoid the negative spiral downward.

Athlete's Guide to Dealing with a Tough Loss
5 steps to handling disappointment
How many of you have lost a heartbreaker? You know, you put everything into the competition and you walked away with a loss and broken heart...So now what? How are you going to bounce back? How are you going to pick up the pieces? This article will outline 5 steps to help move past a disappointing performance and come back twice as strong.

Mistakes, Setbacks and Failure
Let’s face it, no one like to make mistakes, no one likes to encounter setbacks, and certainly no one wants to fail. It hurts, it’s disappointing, and makes you feel like you are back to square one! But there is a secret, and it's a secret the top pros understand. The secret is that mistakes, setbacks, and failure are inevitable and part of the process of development. Bottom line - failure is feedback and can be used as a learning tool. This article will teach you how to manage and learn from failure as you move toward peak potential.
For Parents

Championship Parenting
10 steps to helping your child achieve peak performance
Parents have the most important position when it comes to helping their child achieve peak performance. If they play their position well the child will learn faster, perform better, develop self confidence and have fun. If they don’t, the child is apt to play tight, fear failure, and become distracted during play by concerns over “what the parent is thinking.” Needless to say, this is not a recipe for success!
This article will highlight 10 steps a parent can take to help their child achieve their unlimited personal potential.

Let’s face it, it’s pretty hard to watch your kids play. All kinds of emotions surface about what your child should or could be doing. Meanwhile, your emotions seem to rise with each point. You wonder, how could they miss that shot? Or not call that ball out? The reality is that what your child experiences while they are playing is different than what you see when you are watching. Neither is definitely right or wrong. What is important is to stay calm and remember - the match is about them, and your role is to help them learn from their mistakes and empower them. This article will help you honor your child’s process and ultimately help you both deal with tricky situations.
For Coaches

Coaching Millennial Players
Principals to coach your players to peak performance
As the game of tennis changes, so do today’s junior players. We are now in the millennial generation, where everything happens at the speed of a Blackberry text! Now more than ever, it’s so important to focus on key principles which will help you and your players maximize performance. This article highlights 3 key principles which all coaches must know if they want to gain loyalty, bring the best out in their players, and empower them to reach their goals.
Performance Blocks (Yips, Slumps, Chokes, etc)

The Yips
Nicknames, Nomenclature and History
Slumps, Chokes, and the Yips
Uncovering What’s Behind Performance Blocks
Performance Blocks
Symptoms, Causes and Resolution
Fight, Flight, Freeze
The Seven Biggest Fears That Paralyze Athletes in Sports
Tension, Tears, and Twitches
The Secret to Managing Stress
Broken Rackets, Bad Body Language
Solving the Problem by Addressing the Cause